Guide lines for

• is developed and tested for the Windows and Macintosh platforms.

• has been tested for Microsoft Explorer, Google Chome, Safari, Firefox and Opera.

• is optimized to work with a screen resolution of 1280x1024 or higher. exists in the following language versions: 
• Danish 
• Swedish 
• Norwegian 
• Finnish 
• German
• Dutch
• English (UK) 
• English (US) 
• French
• Italian
• Polish
• Russian

GuideDanmark and TouristOnline A/S exist in three language versions:

• Danish
• English
• German

• is equipped with alternative (alt) text for all buttons, images and graphics.

• All pages containing information can be printed in a reading friendly format.

• When choosing colours for texts we try to obtain the best legibility with pronouncial contrast.

• HTML and CSS has been validated against the W3C-standards.

• We aim to continue the user friendly format.